Photo by Jacek Dylag on Unsplash

Dreaming Music

Rebecca Coe
9 min readAug 2, 2021


In my dreams I can hear choirs and angels singing.

I first became aware of them singing not long after my Spiritual Awakening. I would hear them underneath the layers of sleep- ethereal, sweet and soothing, exhaling into my mind a reverent serenade that permeated the wisps and folds of realities. But I could never quite grasp it.

The next morning it would seem as if the singing hadn’t been real at all, and try as I might, I struggled to recollect the sensation of the dream, the exquisite blend of music and sensory memory that accompanied it.

That changed in April 2021, when I was startled suddenly from a deep sleep; something in the peripheral had snapped me back to my bed wth a jolt. I sat up groggily and squinted around the room, noting my husband’s soft breathing and warm body, listening intently for the sound of one of my two son’s voices softly whimpering or calling out “Mu-um”!

After deducing that all seemed well, I lay back and snuggled into the pillow as sleep washed over me like the slow curl of a warm wave.

It was in this exact moment that I heard the singing start, and because part of my consciousness was still in the physical world, and another part of my consciousness was falling asleep: I found myself in-between realms.

It was a lucid dream state that began before the sleep fully took hold. My heart leapt in my chest as I realised what I was hearing, and for the first time in my life I lay there and deliberately, consciously listened.

The song started off with that familiar chorus of ethereal voices. I couldn’t see them, but I pictured them inwardly as a kindly choir of angels/beings suspended above the earth, superimposed against a background canvas of cosmos. Their voices were soft, gentle, choral, celestial, their song an audible caress, a lullaby.

But then a new voice began to sing, and I realised with a start in my half-sleep state that it was my own voice that I was hearing, singing directly to me. My voice was not angelic, nor sweet, it has a much lower mid-range tone, but it was deep and rich and carried a vibration so familiar that I felt it mirrored in all the cells of my body.

And so there I was ‘up there’ in mysterious company, singing. And there I was ‘down here’ secure under the bedclothes, listening to me singing… to me.

The next morning I woke up feeling highly energised and joyful, but I didn’t feel like freaking out my poor husband Shayne with the news that I had been hanging out with my own self in the sky last night, y’know just having a singalong jam with some random unknown beings, so I satisfied myself with a quick text to my best friend Michelle, (who is on her own spiritual journey and was suitably perplexed) and then I just enjoyed privately marvelling at the memory, shaking my head in amazement, savouring the quiet confusion.

Part of the internal reflection was trying to figure out and explain to myself what had actually happened, whether I had imagined it all, or whether it was as I intuitively hoped — that I had indeed been in-between realms. The theory that kept resonating by way of explanation was that I had heard my Higher Self singing to me.

When I next met with Ash, my Spiritual Mentor, Healer and Teacher, I told her about the singing. Ash is a highly powerful earth-incarnate Starseed, and as a gifted medium she walks in more than one world; she is a brilliant conduit for communication for all manner of beings, from angels and spirits to trees and animals.

Ash listened for a moment, then nodded in affirmation, her vivid blue eyes widening brightly as she said “It was your Higher Self… and others!” She didn’t elaborate as to who the ‘others’ were, maybe they asked her not to say, but she did divulge that I have some very musical Guides.

Fast forward a few weeks to a seemingly unrelated scene: in the high octane whirlwind of a busy school morning I had managed to break my toe tripping over one of our kitchen stools, and was subsequently laid up, instructed to stay off my feet as much as possible so that the toe could heal.

I was not enjoying this sudden imprisonment inside my own body. I yearned for movement, exercise, an escape and an outlet. It felt like my own personal lockdown.

So I took inspiration from our lockdown experience. I sought reprieve in nature.

I grabbed my acoustic guitar and hobbled across the lawn, through the back gate and settled myself down on a weathered wooden chair positioned at the water’s edge. I rested my heavy ‘moon boot’ on the accommodating branch of an ancient paperbark tree, and took a moment drinking in the scene.

My wooden chair on the New River

Our house backs onto a natural wetland river, unimaginatively titled ‘New River’. In the warmer months it dries up completely and becomes a wide expanse of soft dry sand and moss for the kids (and dog) to run and play in, and in the cooler months it fills with rainwater, is populated by all manner of birds and frogs, and flows out through a channel to the nearby sea.

On this particular day the autumn sun was shining hazily through a canopy of leaves. There were dragonflies and waterbirds, and kangaroos hopping about on the small seasonal island across the waterway. I turned my head to the breeze and breathed deeply, relishing the scents of damp earth, grass and reeds.

Tuning into the rhythm of the blurting, croaking frogs, I gripped the comfortable strings on my guitar and started to play a chord. I don’t know what chord it is. I taught myself how to play with few basic chords and a couple of guitar tab sheets back in the 90’s, then I just started making up my own chords and music through sound and feel, this chord is one of those. I’m sure a trained player could tell me in an instant!

I started playing that first chord, just jamming along with the frogs, breathing in the cool air and gazing out at the ripples of current lapping upon the lush shoreline, and then suddenly I was there: blissfully transported to that magical place which is both a location and a journey, I was in the flow state.

The joy, the sheer, giggling joy of being swept up in this creative trance is one of the very lifebloods of my existence. (As indeed, I’m sure it is for all creatives out there).

In the flow state: it’s ALL happening! This song can go anywhere, this chorus can be anything, these changes, these verses, the crescendo, ALL of it is unknown and ALL of it is unfolding, right here right now!

Oh such exhilaration, such infinite possibility! It is soul fuel, identity fire. It is the most powerful elixir. And certainly a potent reprieve from the self-pity of an injury-imposed lockdown. I played and I played, and I played and I played. It was magnificent.

Reality came a knockin’ however, for of course I have children and duties and responsibilities and just couldn’t remain in blissful flow at my own leisure. But I managed to take the excitement of that new music with me into the every day tasks of life.

The song continued to play in my head stereo, just humming along on repeat in the background, and every chance I got, I would grab the guitar and keep playing it, and new parts would emerge and pour forth while the boys were in the bath or while Shayne was doing the dishes, and eventually over the course of a few days the song took shape and form amidst all of the busyness and distractions.

To my delight, the lyrics came incredibly, unusually fast. I’d been thinking happily of my seat by the water, my jam with the frogs, the reprieve of creativity, my gratitude for nature, and as I sat on the bed resting a notebook on my guitar (upturned like a smooth wooden table), the lyrics just fell out onto the page. A tribute to Gaia.

And now here is the reason for my writing this piece about the whole business: it was only after the song was fully complete that I realised that this is the song I heard my Higher Self singing to me. I didn’t know it during the writing process or during the flow state: in that stage it was just an unconscious rush of pure creation.

But now, listening back, when I hear those first two verses of the song, I see myself right there sandwiched between the realms, and I know I’ve heard this song before.

The realisation that I have written/channeled a song that I first heard in a lucid dream state poses a number of questions:

-Did that song already exist in entirety in another realm, and I merely ‘channeled it through’ after hearing the first verses, weaving the threads of vibration from that dimension into reality in our own dimension?

-Does all music and art already exist somewhere else, and we creatives and artists tap into those realms and bring it through to this reality?

-Was this all pre-planned, something I had agreed upon with my Guides and Guardian Angels before choosing this particular earthly incarnation?

-Was it a Soul Contract, whereupon my Higher Self had already planned for this song to come to me at the right time, and therefore placed me, broken toe’d, on the waters edge, to seek solace in nature and resonate affection for Gaia?

Is perhaps, the answer -all of the above? I honestly don’t know.

I am going to share the song with you now, anyhow. Please forgive the quality, this is just a home-phone-recording of me and my acoustic guitar, (and lots of vocal overdubs)!

It’s obviously a demo at this stage, but even so when I listen to it I find myself right back there in a cosmic corner of consciousness, singing along beside a mystery choir, floating above the earth on a blanket of night sparkling with stars.

Here is a link to Soundcloud

And here is an embed, I don’t know which one works best!

Lyrics below:

<iframe width=”100%” height=”300" scrolling=”no” frameborder=”no” allow=”autoplay” src=”"></iframe><div style=”font-size: 10px; color: #cccccc;line-break: anywhere;word-break: normal;overflow: hidden;white-space: nowrap;text-overflow: ellipsis; font-family: Interstate,Lucida Grande,Lucida Sans Unicode,Lucida Sans,Garuda,Verdana,Tahoma,sans-serif;font-weight: 100;”><a href=”" title=”Rebecca Coe” target=”_blank” style=”color: #cccccc; text-decoration: none;”>Rebecca Coe</a> · <a href=”" title=”I am Gaia” target=”_blank” style=”color: #cccccc; text-decoration: none;”>I am Gaia</a></div>

I am Gaia

Got no fear, got no time

All of my friends are here inside of me

Oh so much love in my heart

All of my rivers flow out to my seas

Oh so much love in my heart

Got no fear, got no time

All of my winds they blow all through my leaves

Oh so much love in my heart

All of my children grow infinitely

Oh so much love in my heart

Call it in to all the faithful

To all the good, and all the graceful

To all the earthen babes I’ve borne

I’m the land, I’m the storm

Call my name, call my name

Call my name

I am Gaia

Gonna save us

Gonna get us feeling alright

Gonna save us

Gonna get us healing tonight

Call it in to all the faithful

To all the good, and all the graceful

To all the earthen babes I’ve borne

I’m the land, I’m the storm

Call my name, call my name

Call my name

I am Gaia


Words and Music by Rebecca Coe (and ‘others’) 2021

I have lots of musical stories and further channelings to share. I’m preparing to record my debut EP in the Australian summertime of 2021/2022. Until then:

This is my website



Rebecca Coe

I’m a mother, musician, starseed, writer. I am here to share words from the heart, and music from the soul.